
Supervision of student theses.

PhD theses

MSc theses

BSc theses

  • Elias Rodriguez (in progress)
    Modeling and Verification of the RAMP Concurrency Control Protocol

  • Josefine Hedlund (Mar 2023)
    A Zoo of Simulations

  • Cedric Gebistorf (Aug 2022)
    Component Model Transformation into I/O-Guarded Form in Igloo

  • Liva Schaffner (Aug 2022)
    Formal Verification of Low-Latency Authentication Mechanisms

  • Roman Niggli (Jan 2021)
    Modeling and Verification of the Raft Consensus Protocol

  • Markus Legner (Nov 2018)
    Every Packet Is Checked (EPIC): Lightweight Path Authorization, Source Authentication, and Path Validation in a Path-Aware Internet

Semester Projects

  • Shabnam Ghasemirad (Sep 2021)
    Modular Reasoning in Igloo

Other projects

  • Joseph Lallemand (pre-doc visitor, 9 months until Summer 2017)
    Refining Authenticated Key Agreement with Strong Adversaries